Course code 09 40 5019 00
Number of ECTS points 3
Course title in the language of instruction
Planowanie i ryzyko w łańcuchach dostaw
Course title in Polish Planowanie i ryzyko w łańcuchach dostaw
Course title in English
Planning and Risk in Supply Chains
Language of instruction Polish
Form of classes
Lecture Tutorials Laboratory Project Seminar Other Total of teaching hours during semester
Contact hours 8 15 0 23
E-learning No No No No No No
Assessment criteria (weightage) 0.33 0.67 0.00
Unit running the course Katedra Zarządzania
Course coordinator dr Anna Szmit
Course instructors dr Adam Depta, dr inż. Iwona Staniec, dr Jan Żółtowski
Course learning outcomes
  1. The student is able to present a plan in a given logistic situation, assess its strengths and weaknesses and propose recommendations in case of failure
Programme learning outcomes
  1. Student is able to apply principles of successful teamwork, to set priorities for tasks performed individually and in group
  2. Student is able to explain and describe functioning of integrated management systems in an enterprise
  3. Student is able to define the essence, the role and new methods of project management
  4. Student is able to describe decision-making support systems
  5. Student is able to identify methods and systems of knowledge management
  6. Student is able to explain the essence and principles of quality management in a production enterprise
  7. Student is able to identify non-technical aspects and conditions of production operations within elective subjects in a foreign language
  8. Student is able to suggest solutions to complex management and production engineering problems within the chosen specialty
  9. Student is able to solve practical problems in an industrial setting
  10. Student is able to complete in-depth written assignments summarizing empirical and theoretical research conducted
  11. Student is able to complete elaborate oral multimedia presentations summarizing empirical and theoretical research conducted
  12. is able to apply principles of successful teamwork, to set priorities for tasks performed individually and in group
  13. Student is able to discuss, present and argue in favor of own opinions and to show respect for opinions of others
  14. Student pursues individual development by following new solutions in management and production engineering
  15. Student is able to make conscious choices to build own competences and inspires others to learn
  16. Student is able to identify and analyze correctly professional issues including its non-technical and contextual aspects
  17. Student is able to appreciate and follow ethical standards
Programme content The contents of the subject include aspects of planning and assessment of their strengths and weaknesses using methods and tools learned during the course of education. The contents of the subject include the principles of forecasting, assessment of their accuracy, reduction methods, principles of cooperation in the planning process, strategies of combining forecasts with plans, evaluation of their strengths and weaknesses and various variants of calculating safety inventories.
Assessment methods
For effect 1: written test of lecture content, project  

Grading policies Lecture: written test 33%; Project classes: project 67%
Course content The contents of the subject include aspects of planning and assessment of their strengths and weaknesses using methods and tools learned during the course of education. The contents of the subject include the principles of forecasting, assessment of their accuracy, reduction methods, principles of cooperation in the planning process, strategies of combining forecasts with plans, evaluation of their strengths and weaknesses and various variants of calculating safety inventories.
Basic reference materials
  1. Reszka L.: Prognozowanie popytu w logistyce małego przedsiębiorstwa, Wydawnictwo Uniwersyte-tu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk, 2010.
  2. Cyplik P., Pruska Ż., Kupczyk M.: Prognozowanie w logistyce, metody i praktyczne zastosowanie, Wydawnictwo: WYŻSZA SZKOŁA LOGISTYKI 2014 r.
  3. Jadczak R.: Układanie tras pojazdów w łańcuchu dostaw: modele, metody, zastosowania, Łódź: Wydaw. Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2019.
  4. Cieślak M. (red): Prognozowanie gospodarcze Metody i zastosowania, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2011
  5. A.Zeliaś, B.Pawełek, S.Wanat: Prognozowanie ekonomiczne. Teoria, przykłady, zadania. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2008.
  6. Kufel T.: Ekonometria. Rozwiązywanie problemów z wykorzystaniem programu GRETL, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2009
Other reference materials
  1. Hendry, D., Ericsson, N., (2001) Understanding economic forecast. MIT Press.
  2. Box, G., Jenkins G. (1970) Time series analysis. Forecasting and Control.
  3. Brockwell, P. J., Davis, R.A. (1991) Time series: theory and methods. Springer
Average student workload outside classroom
Updated on 2021-06-30 12:29:03
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